Thursday 7 August 2014

Strongman Yoga

If there is one thing that has allowed me the same kind of release I get with training, it's Bikram Yoga. It's been great for my injuries, and is helping me build back my core strength and balance. I feel I have gone beyond where I was with my flexibility before the accident, apart from the hindrance of my right knee, and I am feeling an all-encompassing sense of mental and physical clarity. My practice of Yoga has developed a whole lot over the past few months, and I am coming to understand the introspective journey that results from regular practice, and hence its popularity. I'm becoming much more familiar with all the postures, and as my flexibility increases, I am able to get deeper into them and correctly execute more and more. I am drawn to this kind of hot Yoga, as I am really learning to consciously meditate, whilst in a state of physical exertion. I have noticed that my larger muscles in my legs (mainly thighs) and arms actually hinder me being able to fully twist them together as is done in Eagle pose. I especially have trouble with my right leg, because of my knee injury. Nevertheless, I push on! I am loving my journey into Yoga.

Got a way to go, but Standing bow pulling pose is one of my faves.

When I went up and attempted the 150kg stone at training, I tried using a lot of focused (I think of it as Qi / Chi) energy when attempting the lift. I instantly noticed that the stone came up with ease! I have noticed this a few times before when performing strongman lifts. Doing Yoga has helped me connect a lot with my own inner strength and energy, and I am feeling quite strong! I was so happy after getting this stone, which I hadn't lifted since before the accident (~8months), and especially happy with the fact that it felt relatively easy. I played around with shouldering the 113kg stone as well.

It seems to just the knee which is still holding me back. I have been prescribed 1.5iu Scitropin (HGH) per day, in hopes of a speedier recovery. I am definitely feeling the other good effects of it, but I worry that it hasn't really helped my knee a whole lot. I'm going in for an MRI next week to assess how it has healed, so I will keep everyone updated. I am pretty keen to not go back to surgery, and rather aim for adaption. I am going back to basics and doing a 10 week program based around squats/bench/deadlift...with relatively light weights only (apart from bench).

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Training entry

I've been slowly getting back into the swing of squatting again, getting my balance back and rebuilding my right leg muscles. My last couple of training sessions have looked like this:


Pendlay row
60kg x 10
100kg x 5 x 2
100kg x 8

Klokov press:
40kg x 10
50kg x 10
60kg x 5 x 3

Bench press (all paused reps)
80kg x 5
100kg x 3
110kg x 3
120kg x 2 x 3
100kg x 8 (not paused)

Underhand grip chins
BW x 8 x 3

Incline DB bench
30s x 10
36s x 10
38s x 8 x 2


Stretching and foam rolling (20 mins)

Single leg glute bridging
10 x 3

60kg x 10 x 5 (to bench)

60kg x 10
100kg x 10
120kg x 10
150kg x 5 x 2

Glute Kickback machine
40kg x 15 x 3 each leg (right leg first)

WG pullups
10, 5, 5, 5, 8

Finished with some bicep bro stuff

So I'm feeling really good actually. I hit an 85kg strict press the other day, and have been toying around with a bit of metabolic conditioning style training with dumbell and barbell complexes. I am still looking at taking it smart and slow, making sure I massage my leg and knee daily, plenty of foam rolling, stretching, and Bikram Yoga.

Upper body strength is coming along nicely, and it seems that by the time I make it back to competing, my pressing will no longer be a major weakness of mine.

I apologise for this brief post, it is just me wanting to start a training diary again. I must put pen to paper, devise a program, and get back to logging my training!!!

Some vids from Last Thursday's training, had a ripper session. Strict press is feeling strong, although I make this PB look quite heavy... it felt heavy! I think 90 is there with a better set up and execution.

Wednesday 21 May 2014

6 months in

6 months has passed since my accident. I am pretty pleased with my progress, my abs are getting stronger and stronger, as is my knee (very slowly). I am looking at starting back with Power Lifting instead of Strongman to begin with, as it much lower impact that Strongman. I was toying with the idea of getting into Power Lifting before my accident, and it would seem that this would be the logical step to take in regards to what my body can handle at this point in time. I have been testing out my axle deadlift a bit, and surprised myself with a 260kg pull just the other day. I also managed some strict press with the log, and got a CG bench PB of 130kg x 5 just the other week.

I had my very first proper squat session 2 days ago, as I sit here typing this I have DOMS radiating through my quads and inner thighs, it feels amazing. A tear came to my eye as I managed to comfortably squat 60kg, then 70, 80, 90 and 100x5, it had been 6 months. Granted, if I am to adopt a low-bar style squat, I still have much to learn. I still did high bar, but was wearing my Chucks and adopting a wider stance. I can see that I have much to improve on, it felt good nevertheless, and so did my 200kg deadlift. In the deadlift it is noticeable that I don't really keep my ass down, and actually feel more comfortable lifting this way (RDL) than conventional.

So I'm looking forward to my journey back into strength sports. I will go see the man Fuzzy, owner of the one and only proper Power Lifting gym in Adelaide, and get some guidance with my lifting.

I would also like to announce that I have registered my private business as a Personal Trainer and Strength Coach: StrongMind. My aim is to help people unlock their inner strength, to improve confidence, mental clarity and quality of life through a focus on body awareness, posture, mindfulness and core strength. I work very closely with all of my clients, keeping close track of progress and providing unconditional support to help achieve real strength in body, mind and spirit. Having faced and overcome many great challenges myself, I feel I can offer a lot to those who are facing and struggling to overcome challenges of their own. I have had a lot of success with my clients so far, and I am extremely excited about what the future holds for StrongMind. In addition, I hope that StrongMind may serve as a platform for delivering an anti-bullying message to youth and adults alike. I have already made appearances at various schools and done Strongman demonstrations (this helps hold kids attention amazingly well!), whilst also taking kids through a StrongMind Kids program, showing them how to release energy, feel better and more confident through exercise. I also like to convey to these kids the importance of reflecting a positive image, supporting friends, and helping in any way they can to stop bullying, which has been and is still a very significant problem in today's society. I really believe that I can help reach kids and get them to become more aware of themselves, to become more confident and be able to deal with bullying; as well as being able to reach those who have a tendency to bully and helping them overcome the insecurities and issues that cause them to engage in it.

I currently have no studio or gym where I can train my clients, however i consider myself a mobile PT, and am fast stockpiling lots of useful training equipment and accessories that can be used anywhere. If you or any one you know needs a push in the right direction, and some support in developing strength, fitness, motivation and confidence, then please give me a call! - 0417 891 086

Me with PowerLifters Alex and Fuzzy at the Fitness expo

Monday 28 April 2014

Back to the grind

A quick post, because I have so many assignments due for uni, but in 2 weeks I start my first Practical placement so looking forward to that. Almost fully back at work, with exciting business prospects in clear sight.

Managed this 1 arm snatch today, a post knee-surgery PB...felt good! no pain in abs at all. Slight pain on the Iliac crest where muscles were torn off and nerve damage occured, however this is nerve pain and I've been told it may never go away!

My knee seems to be slowly getting better, almost 8 weeks post surgery, I am off crutches and walking stick, now slowly trying to eliminate my limp. The knee has really tested me, it got really mashed up in the accident and causes constant trouble, but I just need to give it time. For those who don't know the injury I sustained to my knee included a partial tear to the MCL and almost full tear to the PCL, chondral detachments, patella damage and general cartilage damage. On the positive side, my upper body strength has had a chance to recover fully, and I am actually approaching the strength I was at pre-accident. Oh, I got the all clear for squats as well, woohoo!!! So I have been overhead squatting with the broomstick and managed some 20kg dumbell front squats. I think I can feel the muscle memory kicking in already, my legs are starting to look alive!!!. My Pullups have been improving massively too, with 15 strict wide grip being my current PB.

Riding my bike has really contributed to recovering the strength in my injured leg, it has been feeling really good! Riding is actually awesome, I'm really glad I have been riding a lot lately.

Much more to come, Hopefully by my next post I will have lost my limp for good!!! I know no one said it would be easy, but there is an easy way and a right way!!

                                                     Pullups at around 113kg body weight

Strong Mind, Strong Body, Positive Outlook!

Wednesday 2 April 2014


It has been 4 weeks since I have been on crutches, and man it is wearing me down! I have had to cut back my work hours significantly and am being overloaded with uni work. 2 more weeks until I can put full weight through my knee indefinitely. I am having some serious squat withdrawals, seriously. All these people around me training and competing, and I'm stuck on crutches without a squat to be had. Of course I have been managing to get upper body training in,  which is positive because pressing is my weakness, it has been good to have a (forced) chance to develop it. Being able to train upper body has helped keep me somewhat sane throughout all this, but I really just want to get out there and compete again! I managed to shoulder my first stone since the accident today, albeit the smallest one we have. It felt so good, to feel the stone in my hands. Just a teaser of what is to come, eventually.

I've been training pullups a lot, and managed to get 13 today before I started failing, I was quite happy with this at 111kg body weight. I also managed 10 reps on 100kg on close grip bench and 120kg x 3. I'm going to use this period of lower body limitations to really work to improve my pressing strength, so that when I return to Strongman it won't be such a weakness of mine.

I feel confident in pushing forward and completing my Graduate Dip. Ed. this year, taking some time to organise my career path and put in some good work on this front. I realised after the accident just how passionate I was becoming about training, and how much time it started taking up when really it's not something I'm ever going to be able to rely on to provide financial support. I do it for the love of the sport and the people involved in it and surrounding it. I feel like I really can make a change in the world, and I am definitely starting to see opportunities opening up towards doing that. Having this experience of being a strongman is definitely shaping the person I am becoming, and I feel that it will only aid my endeavors as a person wanting and being able to make a difference for people.

Taking the state junior basketball squad for their core and agility training this season has been great experience as a Strength and Conditioning coach, with much more to come. My days as a PT seem to be dwindling however, as I start to see the amount of work required to actually make a decent buck from training people. I hope to take the entrepreneur path, with plans for my own business as well as recently being offered the role of Co-director at HPT, where I am currently employed as a coach. This will be my priority motivation. Doing this Diploma in Education  will not only add to my credentials as a coach, but also open the door to networking in schools, where I hope to present an idea/program.

Just because I miss squats so are some I did a few months before the accident:

Now go listen to 46&2 by Tool at the top of this page and be inspired!!! Go lift something...anything! squat in my memory of my good knee ;)\

Just kidding, I'll be back.....

Wednesday 19 March 2014


So I got the surgery. Turns out I needed a fairly large chunk on cartilage and bone grafted back into place. It was right on the joint surface, I have been on crutches for the past couple of weeks. No way am I going to let this second surgery keep me from getting on with my life. Uni, work, business's all happening! I'll be damned if anything holds me back! Luckily I only had to spend one night in hospital, doped up on endone again, it was tolerable though, the staff and surgeon were good; the surgeon was very happy with how the operation went, and said it should heal up well.

Witness the beauty

So I'm back to only being able to do upper body training, along with the crutches, my shoulders, tris and chest have been getting hammered. When in the gym I make sure to target the areas that don't get used when on crutches, lots of back work, and lots of work in the opposite direction that the crutches work (Steep incline DB and OH DB shoulder press). Looking like a bit of an idiot hopping around the gym racking weights up and putting them back by rolling them across the ground to where they have to go, hopping over, then putting them away. I have received a lot of help from both training partners, friends from the gym, and some random strangers. Everyone holds doors open, walks well around me when I'm going up the footpath, some people seem to really go out of their way to wait for me or distance themselves when I'm coming through a doorway or going up some stairs (which I have been doing like a pro I might add). I don't know exactly what I'm getting at, other than it's interesting to observe human nature.

Still managing to be a poser, even on crutches!

I've started pool rehab as of yesterday, it feels good to walk normally again, even though I can only do it in the pool for now. I had my follow up appointment with the surgeon, and he is happy for me to start putting a little bit of weight through it, light leg extensions, hammie curls and calf raises, plus a few of my own rehab exercises that I have invented. My leg feels so weak and the pain is just annoying, I have to be patient and stay positive. I do feel good about the recovery process, and am happy with how it has gone so far. I'm not going to be an idiot and about it and set myself back further, just stick with my rehab and do it properly.

Calf pumps with ice cream

So that's it! Seems like this blog is going to be more like a monthly thing. At uni we are learning all about ICT and constructing out own professional E-Folios, which involves blogging as well. It has been very interesting, although it has been a bit of a struggle keeping up with the work load, but it should all start rolling smoothly once I get my head around it. All I know, is that this is what I want to get back into...hard and heavy training!!! I have been itching so friggen badly to do some squats, some stones, some deadlifts...ANYTHING!!!

Patience, Eli........

I remember when this was my 1RM!

Sending a big shout out to all the people that have ever trained with me, been part of my journey, supported me and helped me out. You are have been in my thoughts lately, reminiscing way back to the start of 2010 when I started serious training, I'll never forget the day I did my first deadlift at CrossFit Adelaide, when Ben was still set up in the back of Jimmy Fung's Wing Chun Academy...

Friday 21 February 2014

Back into it!!!

It's been about a month since my last entry, and things have been going great! I have been in the gym, focusing on my rehabilitation and doing anything that I can to gain my muscle and strength back. Every day I keep reminding myself of how important it is to have a strong mind and positive outlook, to not let negativity stand in the way of my achievements. Even when I got the page and a half long report of my knee MRI back, which showed very extensive damage to the joint, including bone bruising, a PCL tear, an MCL tear, a chondral detachment and marrow contusions...I remained positive, still doing whatever I could in the gym, waiting patiently to see the knee surgeon (this coming Tuesday). I remembered my kettlebell training and gave this complex a shot:

After analysing my technique in the video, I see that the traditional joint locking style of KB training is not the best thing for my knee, it ended up swollen and sore. I learned a lesson though, and will keep soft joints next time I attempt KB training. I did however manage an assisted pistol squat quite easily the week after, on my good leg of course!

Last weekend saw the crowning of SA's strongest men and women at the Mt. Barker Highland Gathering. It was at this time last year that I was out there, giving it my absolute all and lifting some heavy shit with some seriously awesome people. It was a fantastic day, which saw the debut of some very strong newcomers to the sport, including an athlete that I have been coaching who made a serious mark in her first comp. Being there made me want to compete so badly, it was so frustrating to not be able to join my strong bros out there, and perhaps this is where my strong resolve is most needed! Patience is one of the harder things to maintain in a situation like this, I have slowly come to learn this.

I have resigned myself to bodybuilding style training for this very moment, RDLs are about the only big compound exercise I can do without straining myself. I have managed to get back to close grip bench pressing 100kg for reps though. Did these DB RDLs yesterday before Friday delt destruction!! Garrr:

Just after last Friday's delt workout. Valentines day, hence the pink bandana

So now I play the waiting game with my knee. I am still not certain as to whether I want to get the surgery over and done with, which could involve another 4-6 week recovery period, or wait a few months until I have reached a certain level and can back off from training for that period if I have to. Right now, although injured, I feel like I am powering forward in my recovery and training and would like to keep the ball rolling. I am loving the feeling of getting DOMS again, feeling much more human. Seeing as it will be a while before I can compete again, I have decided to focus on lean muscle gains, and I imagine the time at which I can squat and deadlift again will also coincide with my return to focus on strength training.

Stay tuned for my next entry which is sure to include some awesome GAINZ !!! Oh and some gruesome pictures of my car after the accident too.

One love!!!

Monday 27 January 2014


I forgot to mention in my previous post. The accident happened with a 4WD, we were both going 60kmh. There was only one driver and he was un-injured, no one else was injured.

So I was finally discharged on NYE 2013. No way was I in any condition to party, so I went down to the family beach house. I was asleep by 8pm, and slept a solid 12 hours through to 8am. It was still painful to move around, and I could only walk with the aid of a walking stick. I was still on heavy painkillers and feeling a bit, well, shit! It was still great to spend time with my family, who were extremely supportive.

Gradually, as I got a few more good nights sleep, I started getting my mojo back. Nowhere where it was before the accident. I did manage to walk down to the beach on the 3rd day, with my little cousins. It was awesome to take in the view, and also walk that distance. I started becoming less reliant on the walking stick and went back to Adelaide where I saw my mates and went back to the gym for the first time!

Funky scar
 In these photos I am weighing about 102kg. So....light!!! 
Very light lat pulldown...Fudo is making faces

This was of course after seeing a Physio and Sports doctor and getting the all clear to do light weights, nothing that puts any strain on my abs. I began pool therapy 2 weeks after I was discharged, and have various rehab exercises to do as well. I should note that the swelling in my leg throughout these past weeks has been horrendously impairing my mobility and annoying the F*#K out of me!!! Remaining stoic and positive has really helped me get through the days, even though they tire me out, I remember to always see the positive side of things. Why waste time worrying about the hand that you are dealt? Be happy and let it make you grow stronger, fight for greatness and happiness! I have been doing everything I can to maximise my recovery, sleeping 8+ hours per night, eating heaps (very liberal with choice), exercising, staying hydrated, getting enough protein.

I have been having this concoction 3 times per day to support my recovery:

20grams L-Glutamine
3 grams Vit C
30mg zinc
1 gram Gotu Kola powder
1 gram Glucosamine
600mg MSM
600mg Chondroitin

Thanks International Protein for my endless supply of Gultamine!!! And Thank you Australian Muscle for my daily Vita-Freak multi, and other awesome supps

I am gradually slipping back into reality. I have almost completely stopped the painkillers, and the swelling is finally starting to subside! Going to the gym a few times and getting back into doing some work has been great. Good to see some old friends as well. I am about 10 days walking stick free and determined to get rid of this limp. I'm managing to do some light upper body work, and today I managed to get a really good training session in:

BTN lat pulldown
30kg x 20
50kg x 15
60kg x 12 x 2

Seated DB shoulder press 
24 x 20
32kg x 15
36kg x 10 x 2

Seated Bicep curl (alternating arms)
16kg x 24
18kg x 24 (add 5 double arm hammer curls)
20kg x 24 (""    "           ""             '"           '")

Seated DB incline bench
36kg x 20
40kg x 15 x 3

Standing DB lat raise (medial deltoid)
10kg x 12 x 3

Tricep rope pulldown
20kg x 20 x 3

So I am getting just felt good to finally have a decent training!!! Although the weights were light, I adopted body-builder style muscle awareness and pumped my muscles with a shitload of blood!!

So I guess this now becomes my training blog on my road back to Strongman. I gotta say, I am feeling pretty damn good today. Life is good, although about to become much busier with my return to work, and then Uni!!!

I will do an update soon with any significant health or training breakthroughs. Thanks for reading!!!

Light weight baby!!!! 105kg


Wednesday 22 January 2014

An Unfortunate Occurrence

On December the 18th, I experienced an event that was to change my life completely.

After finishing an opening shift at the gym where I work, I headed up to train as usual at the Strongman gym in Crafers. I had an awesome session with my training partners Evan and Cloe, and finished the session with a new exercise that we learned from Doug Young, after watching a few of his tribute videos on Youtube.

I didn't feel any different than usual, it was quite a warm day, and I had forgotten my post workout shake and may have been slightly dehydrated. I drove down the freeway towards my home, planning to get showered and ready for my afternoon clients. As I neared a big intersection on Glen Osmond road, I must have had a blackout or fainted, as I remember being shocked by a massive impact. This impact was unlike anything I had ever felt before, a deafening smash and huge shock to the system. I barely realised what had happened, all I remember was seeing smoke, lots of blood and glass. I looked down at a enormous gash in my knee, the heat from the engine further intensifying the gloomy haze. I groaned in pain, only half conscious. A figure appeared at my window. I later found out that this was the lady who was driving behind me, she stayed there holding my hand and comforting me as I moaned, feeling as if this may be the end. The thought of dying went through my mind, and I was actually prepared to meet the reaper. After 30-40 minutes, the emergency crew arrived, paramedics and fire brigade. It took these heroic souls 90 mins to cut me from the wreckage, having to cut the roof off from the car and pull me out from the top. I was finally out and in the ambulance on the way to the RAH.

I was wheeled through the emergency room, I have vague recollections of being transferred to a bed where scans were taken. The surgeons were picking glass out of me for quite a while, after washing the gashes in my knee and leg out. They said that, remarkably, I was going to be OK and my leg was the biggest of my problems. Dr. Bautz, the head of the trauma department was just heading home for the day when he passed 2 radiologists commenting on my scans, something about my muscle mass. This caused him to turn and look. He asked if they had noticed the perforations in my abdomen, and promptly decided to inspect me. I complained to him of my very sore abdominals, and he expressed concern with what internal injuries may have occurred. Dr. Bautz decided he would assemble a team and perform an emergency laperotomy. I clearly remember having my phone in my hand, actually messaging back my worried client and assuring her that I was OK. I kept texting people as the surgery team assembled, signing forms in between. "Last text" mum said, to which one of the surgeons replied light-heartedly: "That won't be his last text". Mum had to sign the final form for the anesthetist , as I lay down and went of to sleep. A 5 hour surgery followed, to repair my ruptured duodenum and intestinal wall. I had also badly torn pelvic and abdominal muscles.

I awoke in ICU. I later found out that my Strongman training crew, my brothers, had been waiting the whole time in which the surgery lasted to come see me. This touched me so deeply. Apparently, at 2:30am or so, after just waking up the guys were told they could not come see me; I demanded to see Evan for some reason, and sure enough he came back in to see me, although I was extremely drugged out and can barely remember this. The next day in ICU the guys came to visit me, along with other friends, relatives and colleagues. I was wasted though, on morphine and ketamine, what the HELL have I done?.....

Still managed to have a laugh, a somewhat painful laugh....

So, I had a ketamine and fentanyl drip, dispensable directly into my bloodstream at the push of a button. I could only push this button every 5 minutes, however. These drugs made everything seem like some weird dream, a complete haze; they were needed for the pain of my injuries though. I also had a catheter and a "Bellovac" draining fluid from my abdominal wounds. I felt half-dead, covered with bandages, tubes sticking out all over my body.

Day 3, moving out of ICU.

The next few days were a drugged out haze, I was being overwhelmed with visitors (probably because I posted the above pic on facebook), I couldn't really give them proper attention. The pain of moving around was immense, I needed 2 nurses to assist me with everything (toilet, showering). Luckily these nurses were just absolute angels, and I had an unlimited supply of drugs. Nights were particularly difficult, it was hard to sleep and the pain seemed to become more intense as the body tried to go to sleep. This was really getting to me mentally now, as thoughts and the realisation that I would not be able to compete sunk in. I remained stoic, knowing that it would just take time and reminding myself I should maintain a positive outlook.

I was on a completely liquid diet for the first 7 days, including Christmas day. On the same day that I was allowed solids, I also came off the ketamine and fentanyl. I was now given large doses of Endone (oxycodone). That day was boxing day. My good friends Austin and Chantal came in to visit, they brought me a massive bag of cherries, venison carpaccio and an iced coffee. It felt absolutely amazing to eat this, I actually felt human again!!! Feeling somewhat revived, my will grew stronger, the fire burned within me and I became determined to get better. At that point I decided I wouldn't let this beat me, I was going to stay positive and undefeated. I believed I could get back to where I was. Soon I was walking the hall, listening to my music, on a walking frame, bellovac attached and all.

Xmas day 2013

I must not discount the immense support I received from my family and friends throughout this ordeal. Especially my training partners, the strongman guys and other people I train with. Of course, mum has been my first line of support through this time, and there is no way I could have recovered this rapidly without her. I was very emotional during this time, and the support I got from my close friends just made an amazing difference.

I eventually got to a point where i needed less care, and could go to the toilet and shower by myself. I felt stronger and more independent. I was able to get in and out of bed myself, giant leg in tow. It was important for me to stay active, to prevent pneumonia, chest infections and DVT. I had several scans and X-rays over the next few days. I became more and more mobile, strolling the halls listening to Slayer, treating it the same way I would training, pushing through the pain and regaining my strength. I smiled at the nurses each time I walked up and down, and they got to know me very well, commenting on how well I was doing.

On the 12th day I was finally able to go off ward. I was allowed to go outside! Evan came to pick me up and take me outside. We struggled finding a wheelchair and were stuck with some huge cloud chair. Evan managed to get one from a room he found which was full of them. As I neared the entrance to the hospital I got so excited. The doors opened and the warmth hit me, the suns glow was just amazing, and the colours of the sky and trees were incredibly vibrant. I managed to burn through Rundle street and Rundle mall, picking up a few shirts and some new sunnies, a bit of belated Xmas shopping.

The doctors became very pleased with how I was progressing. The first talk of discharge started coming about. My injuries were still very painful, right leg was extremely swollen and numb in several places. My bottom lip was and is still numb, as is the area where I tore my pelvic muscles. Also an unpleasant stinging pain that was affecting my right hip, to do with nerve damage. I began cutting back my oxycodone dosage, and the doctors started saying I will be discharged in a few days. The nerves may take some time to repair, they said. So after 14 days I was discharged, sent home with a bag full of meds and told absolutely no heavy lifting for 3 months! I have to follow up with lots of physio and scans etc. Next entry will be all bout the 3 weeks leading up to the present.


Mmmhh, 117kg. I am 10kg lighter now!!!

Tuesday 21 January 2014


Welcome to my awesome blog!

Let me tell you a bit about myself before the awesomeness begins.

My name is Eli Staugas, I am 28 years old. Currently working a personal trainer and strength coach, I have my accreditation in both fields, and I have also studied numerous other courses. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Science with Honours, and am currently enrolled to complete a Diploma of Education (Post Graduate).

Coming from a rocky adolescent and early adulthood involving lots of drugs and irresponsible behaviour, I have only recently discovered the joys of strength training and the true awesome power of the human mind. It is only now that I am truly waking up to life and all its glory!

My earlier days. Thought I was so cool!

About 4 years ago I decided to quit smoking and get healthy, join a gym and start working out again (I dabbled with it whilst still in my reckless phase). At this this stage I was fat and weak at 122kg body weight. I managed to shed 20kg over the course of a year by sticking to a good diet and exercising regularly, it was a great achievement and I was extremely proud. I also gained a lot of confidence. I started to become interested in weightlifting and powerlifting. I gave CrossFit a shot (before it was popular) for a year or so and gained a basic understanding of how to perform the olympic lifts as well as the lifts performed in Powerlifting (squat, bench press, deadlift). I also started some landscape gardening and had a new found appreciation for the outdoors, nature, the environment.

Byron bay 2010

Byron Bay 2010. Yeah, this is the life...

I had joined a forum ( that put me in touch with some great people who had helped me on my weightloss journey, these same people knew of a figurehead in SA who competed in the sport of Strongman, and put me in touch with him. When I met Jordan I immediately became amazed by this awesome sport, I threw caution to the wind and competed in my first competition in 2011 as a light-weight, placing second to last. I didn't care, all I knew was that I wanted to get STRONG!

After 3 years of solid training, meeting and becoming very close with what I now consider some of my closest friends, I managed to gain the title as SA's strongest man 2013 in the open division. I have also competed in several interstate competitions and gained a sponsorship. I am now the leanest, healthiest and strongest I have ever been. From a reckless, drug addicted weak mess, to this. I have impressed and surprised myself greatly.

Recent pic of me at my strongest, after hitting a 172kg Atlas stone PB. Jordan is on the left.

So it is now that I come to the unfortunate part of my story. On the 18th of December 2013 I was involved in a serious head on collision in which I experienced severe trauma. I spent 2 weeks in hospital. So begins my blog! Details of the accident and my experience in hospital will be my next entry, so stay tuned!!