Monday 27 January 2014


I forgot to mention in my previous post. The accident happened with a 4WD, we were both going 60kmh. There was only one driver and he was un-injured, no one else was injured.

So I was finally discharged on NYE 2013. No way was I in any condition to party, so I went down to the family beach house. I was asleep by 8pm, and slept a solid 12 hours through to 8am. It was still painful to move around, and I could only walk with the aid of a walking stick. I was still on heavy painkillers and feeling a bit, well, shit! It was still great to spend time with my family, who were extremely supportive.

Gradually, as I got a few more good nights sleep, I started getting my mojo back. Nowhere where it was before the accident. I did manage to walk down to the beach on the 3rd day, with my little cousins. It was awesome to take in the view, and also walk that distance. I started becoming less reliant on the walking stick and went back to Adelaide where I saw my mates and went back to the gym for the first time!

Funky scar
 In these photos I am weighing about 102kg. So....light!!! 
Very light lat pulldown...Fudo is making faces

This was of course after seeing a Physio and Sports doctor and getting the all clear to do light weights, nothing that puts any strain on my abs. I began pool therapy 2 weeks after I was discharged, and have various rehab exercises to do as well. I should note that the swelling in my leg throughout these past weeks has been horrendously impairing my mobility and annoying the F*#K out of me!!! Remaining stoic and positive has really helped me get through the days, even though they tire me out, I remember to always see the positive side of things. Why waste time worrying about the hand that you are dealt? Be happy and let it make you grow stronger, fight for greatness and happiness! I have been doing everything I can to maximise my recovery, sleeping 8+ hours per night, eating heaps (very liberal with choice), exercising, staying hydrated, getting enough protein.

I have been having this concoction 3 times per day to support my recovery:

20grams L-Glutamine
3 grams Vit C
30mg zinc
1 gram Gotu Kola powder
1 gram Glucosamine
600mg MSM
600mg Chondroitin

Thanks International Protein for my endless supply of Gultamine!!! And Thank you Australian Muscle for my daily Vita-Freak multi, and other awesome supps

I am gradually slipping back into reality. I have almost completely stopped the painkillers, and the swelling is finally starting to subside! Going to the gym a few times and getting back into doing some work has been great. Good to see some old friends as well. I am about 10 days walking stick free and determined to get rid of this limp. I'm managing to do some light upper body work, and today I managed to get a really good training session in:

BTN lat pulldown
30kg x 20
50kg x 15
60kg x 12 x 2

Seated DB shoulder press 
24 x 20
32kg x 15
36kg x 10 x 2

Seated Bicep curl (alternating arms)
16kg x 24
18kg x 24 (add 5 double arm hammer curls)
20kg x 24 (""    "           ""             '"           '")

Seated DB incline bench
36kg x 20
40kg x 15 x 3

Standing DB lat raise (medial deltoid)
10kg x 12 x 3

Tricep rope pulldown
20kg x 20 x 3

So I am getting just felt good to finally have a decent training!!! Although the weights were light, I adopted body-builder style muscle awareness and pumped my muscles with a shitload of blood!!

So I guess this now becomes my training blog on my road back to Strongman. I gotta say, I am feeling pretty damn good today. Life is good, although about to become much busier with my return to work, and then Uni!!!

I will do an update soon with any significant health or training breakthroughs. Thanks for reading!!!

Light weight baby!!!! 105kg


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