Tuesday 21 January 2014


Welcome to my awesome blog!

Let me tell you a bit about myself before the awesomeness begins.

My name is Eli Staugas, I am 28 years old. Currently working a personal trainer and strength coach, I have my accreditation in both fields, and I have also studied numerous other courses. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Science with Honours, and am currently enrolled to complete a Diploma of Education (Post Graduate).

Coming from a rocky adolescent and early adulthood involving lots of drugs and irresponsible behaviour, I have only recently discovered the joys of strength training and the true awesome power of the human mind. It is only now that I am truly waking up to life and all its glory!

My earlier days. Thought I was so cool!

About 4 years ago I decided to quit smoking and get healthy, join a gym and start working out again (I dabbled with it whilst still in my reckless phase). At this this stage I was fat and weak at 122kg body weight. I managed to shed 20kg over the course of a year by sticking to a good diet and exercising regularly, it was a great achievement and I was extremely proud. I also gained a lot of confidence. I started to become interested in weightlifting and powerlifting. I gave CrossFit a shot (before it was popular) for a year or so and gained a basic understanding of how to perform the olympic lifts as well as the lifts performed in Powerlifting (squat, bench press, deadlift). I also started some landscape gardening and had a new found appreciation for the outdoors, nature, the environment.

Byron bay 2010

Byron Bay 2010. Yeah, this is the life...

I had joined a forum (sizematters.com.au) that put me in touch with some great people who had helped me on my weightloss journey, these same people knew of a figurehead in SA who competed in the sport of Strongman, and put me in touch with him. When I met Jordan I immediately became amazed by this awesome sport, I threw caution to the wind and competed in my first competition in 2011 as a light-weight, placing second to last. I didn't care, all I knew was that I wanted to get STRONG!

After 3 years of solid training, meeting and becoming very close with what I now consider some of my closest friends, I managed to gain the title as SA's strongest man 2013 in the open division. I have also competed in several interstate competitions and gained a sponsorship. I am now the leanest, healthiest and strongest I have ever been. From a reckless, drug addicted weak mess, to this. I have impressed and surprised myself greatly.

Recent pic of me at my strongest, after hitting a 172kg Atlas stone PB. Jordan is on the left.

So it is now that I come to the unfortunate part of my story. On the 18th of December 2013 I was involved in a serious head on collision in which I experienced severe trauma. I spent 2 weeks in hospital. So begins my blog! Details of the accident and my experience in hospital will be my next entry, so stay tuned!!

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