Friday 21 February 2014

Back into it!!!

It's been about a month since my last entry, and things have been going great! I have been in the gym, focusing on my rehabilitation and doing anything that I can to gain my muscle and strength back. Every day I keep reminding myself of how important it is to have a strong mind and positive outlook, to not let negativity stand in the way of my achievements. Even when I got the page and a half long report of my knee MRI back, which showed very extensive damage to the joint, including bone bruising, a PCL tear, an MCL tear, a chondral detachment and marrow contusions...I remained positive, still doing whatever I could in the gym, waiting patiently to see the knee surgeon (this coming Tuesday). I remembered my kettlebell training and gave this complex a shot:

After analysing my technique in the video, I see that the traditional joint locking style of KB training is not the best thing for my knee, it ended up swollen and sore. I learned a lesson though, and will keep soft joints next time I attempt KB training. I did however manage an assisted pistol squat quite easily the week after, on my good leg of course!

Last weekend saw the crowning of SA's strongest men and women at the Mt. Barker Highland Gathering. It was at this time last year that I was out there, giving it my absolute all and lifting some heavy shit with some seriously awesome people. It was a fantastic day, which saw the debut of some very strong newcomers to the sport, including an athlete that I have been coaching who made a serious mark in her first comp. Being there made me want to compete so badly, it was so frustrating to not be able to join my strong bros out there, and perhaps this is where my strong resolve is most needed! Patience is one of the harder things to maintain in a situation like this, I have slowly come to learn this.

I have resigned myself to bodybuilding style training for this very moment, RDLs are about the only big compound exercise I can do without straining myself. I have managed to get back to close grip bench pressing 100kg for reps though. Did these DB RDLs yesterday before Friday delt destruction!! Garrr:

Just after last Friday's delt workout. Valentines day, hence the pink bandana

So now I play the waiting game with my knee. I am still not certain as to whether I want to get the surgery over and done with, which could involve another 4-6 week recovery period, or wait a few months until I have reached a certain level and can back off from training for that period if I have to. Right now, although injured, I feel like I am powering forward in my recovery and training and would like to keep the ball rolling. I am loving the feeling of getting DOMS again, feeling much more human. Seeing as it will be a while before I can compete again, I have decided to focus on lean muscle gains, and I imagine the time at which I can squat and deadlift again will also coincide with my return to focus on strength training.

Stay tuned for my next entry which is sure to include some awesome GAINZ !!! Oh and some gruesome pictures of my car after the accident too.

One love!!!

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