Monday 28 April 2014

Back to the grind

A quick post, because I have so many assignments due for uni, but in 2 weeks I start my first Practical placement so looking forward to that. Almost fully back at work, with exciting business prospects in clear sight.

Managed this 1 arm snatch today, a post knee-surgery PB...felt good! no pain in abs at all. Slight pain on the Iliac crest where muscles were torn off and nerve damage occured, however this is nerve pain and I've been told it may never go away!

My knee seems to be slowly getting better, almost 8 weeks post surgery, I am off crutches and walking stick, now slowly trying to eliminate my limp. The knee has really tested me, it got really mashed up in the accident and causes constant trouble, but I just need to give it time. For those who don't know the injury I sustained to my knee included a partial tear to the MCL and almost full tear to the PCL, chondral detachments, patella damage and general cartilage damage. On the positive side, my upper body strength has had a chance to recover fully, and I am actually approaching the strength I was at pre-accident. Oh, I got the all clear for squats as well, woohoo!!! So I have been overhead squatting with the broomstick and managed some 20kg dumbell front squats. I think I can feel the muscle memory kicking in already, my legs are starting to look alive!!!. My Pullups have been improving massively too, with 15 strict wide grip being my current PB.

Riding my bike has really contributed to recovering the strength in my injured leg, it has been feeling really good! Riding is actually awesome, I'm really glad I have been riding a lot lately.

Much more to come, Hopefully by my next post I will have lost my limp for good!!! I know no one said it would be easy, but there is an easy way and a right way!!

                                                     Pullups at around 113kg body weight

Strong Mind, Strong Body, Positive Outlook!

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