Thursday 7 August 2014

Strongman Yoga

If there is one thing that has allowed me the same kind of release I get with training, it's Bikram Yoga. It's been great for my injuries, and is helping me build back my core strength and balance. I feel I have gone beyond where I was with my flexibility before the accident, apart from the hindrance of my right knee, and I am feeling an all-encompassing sense of mental and physical clarity. My practice of Yoga has developed a whole lot over the past few months, and I am coming to understand the introspective journey that results from regular practice, and hence its popularity. I'm becoming much more familiar with all the postures, and as my flexibility increases, I am able to get deeper into them and correctly execute more and more. I am drawn to this kind of hot Yoga, as I am really learning to consciously meditate, whilst in a state of physical exertion. I have noticed that my larger muscles in my legs (mainly thighs) and arms actually hinder me being able to fully twist them together as is done in Eagle pose. I especially have trouble with my right leg, because of my knee injury. Nevertheless, I push on! I am loving my journey into Yoga.

Got a way to go, but Standing bow pulling pose is one of my faves.

When I went up and attempted the 150kg stone at training, I tried using a lot of focused (I think of it as Qi / Chi) energy when attempting the lift. I instantly noticed that the stone came up with ease! I have noticed this a few times before when performing strongman lifts. Doing Yoga has helped me connect a lot with my own inner strength and energy, and I am feeling quite strong! I was so happy after getting this stone, which I hadn't lifted since before the accident (~8months), and especially happy with the fact that it felt relatively easy. I played around with shouldering the 113kg stone as well.

It seems to just the knee which is still holding me back. I have been prescribed 1.5iu Scitropin (HGH) per day, in hopes of a speedier recovery. I am definitely feeling the other good effects of it, but I worry that it hasn't really helped my knee a whole lot. I'm going in for an MRI next week to assess how it has healed, so I will keep everyone updated. I am pretty keen to not go back to surgery, and rather aim for adaption. I am going back to basics and doing a 10 week program based around squats/bench/deadlift...with relatively light weights only (apart from bench).

Thanks for reading!


  1. For someone with a knee injury, your yoga poses are awesome! It must have been disappointing at first to find out that you were gravely injured. As a trainer who puts premium with fitness, being injured has to be the worst. Anyway, it seems you have dealt with all of the aspects of the accident, and you're on the road to recovery. I hope that you were able to address the issues soon after. Good luck!

    Roman Barnes @ Johnson and Johnson Law Firm

  2. Having an injury can really set you back from your game. But thanks to yoga, your recovery is progressing very well. Yoga is really helpful not only for conditioning as you recover from an injury, it's also an activity that can help stay fit and healthy. That being said, every pose targets a different muscle group of the body, and may apply to a specific injury, so it's best to know which ones will help you the most. Anyway, it’s good to hear that you’re recovering very well. I hope it will continue to be that way. Stay strong!

    Conrad Mills @ Toronto Top Team
