Wednesday 2 April 2014


It has been 4 weeks since I have been on crutches, and man it is wearing me down! I have had to cut back my work hours significantly and am being overloaded with uni work. 2 more weeks until I can put full weight through my knee indefinitely. I am having some serious squat withdrawals, seriously. All these people around me training and competing, and I'm stuck on crutches without a squat to be had. Of course I have been managing to get upper body training in,  which is positive because pressing is my weakness, it has been good to have a (forced) chance to develop it. Being able to train upper body has helped keep me somewhat sane throughout all this, but I really just want to get out there and compete again! I managed to shoulder my first stone since the accident today, albeit the smallest one we have. It felt so good, to feel the stone in my hands. Just a teaser of what is to come, eventually.

I've been training pullups a lot, and managed to get 13 today before I started failing, I was quite happy with this at 111kg body weight. I also managed 10 reps on 100kg on close grip bench and 120kg x 3. I'm going to use this period of lower body limitations to really work to improve my pressing strength, so that when I return to Strongman it won't be such a weakness of mine.

I feel confident in pushing forward and completing my Graduate Dip. Ed. this year, taking some time to organise my career path and put in some good work on this front. I realised after the accident just how passionate I was becoming about training, and how much time it started taking up when really it's not something I'm ever going to be able to rely on to provide financial support. I do it for the love of the sport and the people involved in it and surrounding it. I feel like I really can make a change in the world, and I am definitely starting to see opportunities opening up towards doing that. Having this experience of being a strongman is definitely shaping the person I am becoming, and I feel that it will only aid my endeavors as a person wanting and being able to make a difference for people.

Taking the state junior basketball squad for their core and agility training this season has been great experience as a Strength and Conditioning coach, with much more to come. My days as a PT seem to be dwindling however, as I start to see the amount of work required to actually make a decent buck from training people. I hope to take the entrepreneur path, with plans for my own business as well as recently being offered the role of Co-director at HPT, where I am currently employed as a coach. This will be my priority motivation. Doing this Diploma in Education  will not only add to my credentials as a coach, but also open the door to networking in schools, where I hope to present an idea/program.

Just because I miss squats so are some I did a few months before the accident:

Now go listen to 46&2 by Tool at the top of this page and be inspired!!! Go lift something...anything! squat in my memory of my good knee ;)\

Just kidding, I'll be back.....

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