Tuesday 10 June 2014

Training entry

I've been slowly getting back into the swing of squatting again, getting my balance back and rebuilding my right leg muscles. My last couple of training sessions have looked like this:


Pendlay row
60kg x 10
100kg x 5 x 2
100kg x 8

Klokov press:
40kg x 10
50kg x 10
60kg x 5 x 3

Bench press (all paused reps)
80kg x 5
100kg x 3
110kg x 3
120kg x 2 x 3
100kg x 8 (not paused)

Underhand grip chins
BW x 8 x 3

Incline DB bench
30s x 10
36s x 10
38s x 8 x 2


Stretching and foam rolling (20 mins)

Single leg glute bridging
10 x 3

60kg x 10 x 5 (to bench)

60kg x 10
100kg x 10
120kg x 10
150kg x 5 x 2

Glute Kickback machine
40kg x 15 x 3 each leg (right leg first)

WG pullups
10, 5, 5, 5, 8

Finished with some bicep bro stuff

So I'm feeling really good actually. I hit an 85kg strict press the other day, and have been toying around with a bit of metabolic conditioning style training with dumbell and barbell complexes. I am still looking at taking it smart and slow, making sure I massage my leg and knee daily, plenty of foam rolling, stretching, and Bikram Yoga.

Upper body strength is coming along nicely, and it seems that by the time I make it back to competing, my pressing will no longer be a major weakness of mine.

I apologise for this brief post, it is just me wanting to start a training diary again. I must put pen to paper, devise a program, and get back to logging my training!!!

Some vids from Last Thursday's training, had a ripper session. Strict press is feeling strong, although I make this PB look quite heavy... it felt heavy! I think 90 is there with a better set up and execution.