Wednesday 21 May 2014

6 months in

6 months has passed since my accident. I am pretty pleased with my progress, my abs are getting stronger and stronger, as is my knee (very slowly). I am looking at starting back with Power Lifting instead of Strongman to begin with, as it much lower impact that Strongman. I was toying with the idea of getting into Power Lifting before my accident, and it would seem that this would be the logical step to take in regards to what my body can handle at this point in time. I have been testing out my axle deadlift a bit, and surprised myself with a 260kg pull just the other day. I also managed some strict press with the log, and got a CG bench PB of 130kg x 5 just the other week.

I had my very first proper squat session 2 days ago, as I sit here typing this I have DOMS radiating through my quads and inner thighs, it feels amazing. A tear came to my eye as I managed to comfortably squat 60kg, then 70, 80, 90 and 100x5, it had been 6 months. Granted, if I am to adopt a low-bar style squat, I still have much to learn. I still did high bar, but was wearing my Chucks and adopting a wider stance. I can see that I have much to improve on, it felt good nevertheless, and so did my 200kg deadlift. In the deadlift it is noticeable that I don't really keep my ass down, and actually feel more comfortable lifting this way (RDL) than conventional.

So I'm looking forward to my journey back into strength sports. I will go see the man Fuzzy, owner of the one and only proper Power Lifting gym in Adelaide, and get some guidance with my lifting.

I would also like to announce that I have registered my private business as a Personal Trainer and Strength Coach: StrongMind. My aim is to help people unlock their inner strength, to improve confidence, mental clarity and quality of life through a focus on body awareness, posture, mindfulness and core strength. I work very closely with all of my clients, keeping close track of progress and providing unconditional support to help achieve real strength in body, mind and spirit. Having faced and overcome many great challenges myself, I feel I can offer a lot to those who are facing and struggling to overcome challenges of their own. I have had a lot of success with my clients so far, and I am extremely excited about what the future holds for StrongMind. In addition, I hope that StrongMind may serve as a platform for delivering an anti-bullying message to youth and adults alike. I have already made appearances at various schools and done Strongman demonstrations (this helps hold kids attention amazingly well!), whilst also taking kids through a StrongMind Kids program, showing them how to release energy, feel better and more confident through exercise. I also like to convey to these kids the importance of reflecting a positive image, supporting friends, and helping in any way they can to stop bullying, which has been and is still a very significant problem in today's society. I really believe that I can help reach kids and get them to become more aware of themselves, to become more confident and be able to deal with bullying; as well as being able to reach those who have a tendency to bully and helping them overcome the insecurities and issues that cause them to engage in it.

I currently have no studio or gym where I can train my clients, however i consider myself a mobile PT, and am fast stockpiling lots of useful training equipment and accessories that can be used anywhere. If you or any one you know needs a push in the right direction, and some support in developing strength, fitness, motivation and confidence, then please give me a call! - 0417 891 086

Me with PowerLifters Alex and Fuzzy at the Fitness expo