Wednesday 19 March 2014


So I got the surgery. Turns out I needed a fairly large chunk on cartilage and bone grafted back into place. It was right on the joint surface, I have been on crutches for the past couple of weeks. No way am I going to let this second surgery keep me from getting on with my life. Uni, work, business's all happening! I'll be damned if anything holds me back! Luckily I only had to spend one night in hospital, doped up on endone again, it was tolerable though, the staff and surgeon were good; the surgeon was very happy with how the operation went, and said it should heal up well.

Witness the beauty

So I'm back to only being able to do upper body training, along with the crutches, my shoulders, tris and chest have been getting hammered. When in the gym I make sure to target the areas that don't get used when on crutches, lots of back work, and lots of work in the opposite direction that the crutches work (Steep incline DB and OH DB shoulder press). Looking like a bit of an idiot hopping around the gym racking weights up and putting them back by rolling them across the ground to where they have to go, hopping over, then putting them away. I have received a lot of help from both training partners, friends from the gym, and some random strangers. Everyone holds doors open, walks well around me when I'm going up the footpath, some people seem to really go out of their way to wait for me or distance themselves when I'm coming through a doorway or going up some stairs (which I have been doing like a pro I might add). I don't know exactly what I'm getting at, other than it's interesting to observe human nature.

Still managing to be a poser, even on crutches!

I've started pool rehab as of yesterday, it feels good to walk normally again, even though I can only do it in the pool for now. I had my follow up appointment with the surgeon, and he is happy for me to start putting a little bit of weight through it, light leg extensions, hammie curls and calf raises, plus a few of my own rehab exercises that I have invented. My leg feels so weak and the pain is just annoying, I have to be patient and stay positive. I do feel good about the recovery process, and am happy with how it has gone so far. I'm not going to be an idiot and about it and set myself back further, just stick with my rehab and do it properly.

Calf pumps with ice cream

So that's it! Seems like this blog is going to be more like a monthly thing. At uni we are learning all about ICT and constructing out own professional E-Folios, which involves blogging as well. It has been very interesting, although it has been a bit of a struggle keeping up with the work load, but it should all start rolling smoothly once I get my head around it. All I know, is that this is what I want to get back into...hard and heavy training!!! I have been itching so friggen badly to do some squats, some stones, some deadlifts...ANYTHING!!!

Patience, Eli........

I remember when this was my 1RM!

Sending a big shout out to all the people that have ever trained with me, been part of my journey, supported me and helped me out. You are have been in my thoughts lately, reminiscing way back to the start of 2010 when I started serious training, I'll never forget the day I did my first deadlift at CrossFit Adelaide, when Ben was still set up in the back of Jimmy Fung's Wing Chun Academy...